First off I want to thank you for stopping at my site and taking the time to check me out!
My wife JoAnn and I have lived in Abbotsford for over 20 years and cannot ever imagine ourselves living anywhere else.
I remember, like it was yesterday, the first time I ever held a camera and took a picture. It was when I was in the 8th grade and my Mom let me use her old Brownie and I was instantly hooked. Shortly after that day I was able to enroll in a darkroom course at my Jr. High and actually got to process the film I was shooting. Shot film madly for years and then life got in the way and I drifted away from photography.
Next came my purchase of a small point and shoot digital camera and I was off and running again. Now several upgrades later I shoot thousands of images yearly both for others and myself. I shoot just about everything, portraits, studio stuff, weddings, engagements, land and seascapes, and just about every sport you can imagine.
Simply put I love creating great images and will continue to do so as long as there is breath in my lungs!!
So go ahead and check out my work and let me know how I might help you!