This past weekend I covered the last stop on the Toronto Wolfpack’s world recruiting tour. The Toronto Wolfpack is a professional Rugby League team dedicated to progressing through the English Rugby Football League’s (RFL) ranks, from League 1 to the Super League. They are Canada’s first professional Rugby team, and the world’s first transatlantic major professional sports team.
No surprise they picked our little berg of Abbotsford for their west coast tryout location. British Columbia has been a hot bed of rugby action for decades what with Rugby Union, Rugby Sevens, and Rugby League teams all over the province. Our High School, Community, and University Programs have over the years produced many International Level players. The players trying out for a spot with the Wolfpack included locals as well as players from many parts of the USA and some were even as young as 17.
I have been around and have participated in contact sport for many years and I have never seen anything as intense and high energy as this work out was. After the team hopefuls ran through several ball handling drills they moved on to some very hard hitting tackling drills. Next was a high octane…….. non stop action……. live scrimmage which left several players bloodied but still smiling.
After handshakes all around the players cleaned up and joined the Coach and managers of the Wolfpack at the Townhall for a bite to eat and a couple pints because come on what goes better with rugby than a pint or two of frosty beer!! Now all await the word on whether or not they will be joining the Pack in TO!!
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